Sharing my Perspective: An Introduction

Matthew B
2 min readJul 17, 2021

I am a young person who has grown up in the twenty-first century. Because of this, I have a unique perspective on the world. I believe in the value of story telling and sharing with the people we share this planet with. To share my perspective, I have started a new project: Sharing my Perspective. In it, I will put my story out into the world. For me, this will be a way to share and get what I am thinking out. For everyone else, I hope this will help people understand the world better. I will discuss issues I have gone through and I think many people may have gone through similar issues.

As our world continues to grapple with so many issues, sharing stories is how we move forward. Learning about the experience of others is how people learn about the issues the world faces. I have gone through different things than everyone else, and I hope I can use my position to shed a light on some issues in the world.

I hope this series inspires people. I hope what I write will show people a new perspective on the world. But I also hope other people feel inspired to share their story. Everyone is in their own place in life. While that gives us all a unique perspective on issues, it also shields us from issues in other parts of the world. As important as it is to share my story, I have a lot to learn from others’ stories. I need to learn from others.

I will continue to read and listen to stories from other perspectives. I hope I can inspire everyone to not only listen to my story but seek out the stories and perspectives of others. But also, I hope to inspire people to share their own story and perspective. Whether it’s with friends and family, or out on the internet for who knows who, you have an important story to tell. What will you do with it?



Matthew B

Just a person, sharing stories they find in life. I am no expert, but I believe I, and everyone for that matter, have something to share.